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There are many steps in the process to make a bentwood ring from a flat piece of hardwood .




First we start with a piece of wood veneer and cut it down into strips.





Then, the strips are soaked in water and boiled, or “steamed” for over an hour.






                                                                   While the wood strips are still hot, they are individually

                                                                   “wrapped” around a  size specific cylinder and secured

                                                                    to dry for a minimum of 24 hours.






                                                      Once the strips are dry, they are hand formed using a very strong

                                                       and durable CA glue.  We now have a blank!






A “blank” is then sanded to shape, and is ready for design, woodburning/inlay.


For inlays, the spot being inlayed is painstakingly carved our by hand,

and then filled with colored crushed sand/stone.





Finally, the almost finished rings are put through a 5 step sanding, and then soaked in a wood lacquer for two,12 hour baths.

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